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Baby Boy Name Starts with Letter Z

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Boy NameMeaning
ZaafirVictorious; Variant of Zafir: Victorious.
ZaahidAbstemious; Ascetic; Ascetic, abstemious; Variant of Zahid: Hermit. Devotee. Abstemious. Ascetic.
ZaahirBright; Shining; Bright. Shining. Elevated.
ZaaidBright, Shining
ZaairVariant of Za'ir: Visitor. Guest.
ZaakirVariant of Zakir: Remembering. Grateful.
ZaanannimMovings, a person asleep.
ZaanjarOrnament of Leg (Paayal)
ZaaswanthVictorious; Famous; Rich; To Live the Good Life
ZabadDowry, endowed.
ZabartorhDestroyer of Tyranny
ZabbyGod is My Oath
ZabdiDowry, endowed.
ZabitGovernor, master, possessor
Zabulonto exhalt, honor
ZACremembered by God
ZacariasRemembered by God
ZaccaiPure meat, just.
Zacchaeusclean: pure. In the bible Zacchaeus was a tax collector who became a disciples of Jesus.
Zaccheothe one god remembers
ZaccurOf the male kind; mindful
ZachVariant of Zachariah and Zachary.
ZachaiosRemembered by God
ZachariaJehovah has remembered.
ZachariahJehovah has remembered. Variant of Zechariah. The name of 31 biblical persons including the prophet who wrote the Book of Zechariah.
ZachariasVariant of Vechariah Jehovah has remembered.
ZacharieThe Lord has Remembered; God has Remembered
ZacharyRemembered by God
ZachelyRemembered by God
ZacheryThe Lord remembers
ZacheusThe Lord has Remembered; Remember the Lord
ZackVariant of Zachariah and Zachary.
ZackariahRemembered by the Lord
ZackaryVariant of Zachariah and Zachary.


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